Sunday 2 December 2012


I used the level map from my propsal to build the level in CAD software Google SketchUp

I have created the first greybox of the level. i used google sketchup to create the outer walls of the level and then imported the file into 3ds maxs to make aesthetic changes to the level i.e adding a balcony to the library. 

Over the next few days i will import the level into unity and begin adding assets for the full grey box to be complete.

Design Clarity and Changes

Upon receiving  feedback on my initial dissertation proposal I have decided to make the following changes:

  • The will now be 1st person. Although i still feel that a 3rd person camera would create a better aesthetic atmosphere, the player will become more immersed in gameplay from a 1st person viewpoint. In my feedback there were worries that i was undertaking too much with this project. By having the game 1st person  it cuts out 3d modelling the main character and animating the character. i will also save time on having to code a 3rd person camera in unity as a 1st person character controller is built in. 
  • As i am creating quite a large environment that will be made of up of a variety of asset, it was also pointed out that this will be a large undertaking in the time frame i have. to solve this i have decided that i will make some of the assets myself, but i will largely source 3rd party assets from websites like this will cut the work load down considerably. this allows me alot more time to iterate gameplay and implement new features if necessary.    
  • My project timeline is a bit vague on what tasks i will be undertaking during each sprint. i have decided to completely revise this.I need to refine my project timeline into 1/2 week sprints so i can break down the workload into tasks so i stay on track. I dont want to fall behind in development because my timeline is unspecified. i could easily fall into the trap of thinking 'i have time...'  just because I haven't set myself consistent milestones to keep myself disciplined and on track.